We love being outdoors in October! Collecting conkers, getting wrapped up in cosy coats and planning that exciting Halloween trick or treat adventure!
There was an inspiring article last month on inews.co.uk about how kids are happier and healthier when they can play and learn in the great outdoors. RHS chief horticulturalist Guy Barter believes gardening provides extra benefits because it is a “hands-on activity” that can offer children a sense of control over the world.
He said: “It’s a sense of agency in gardens, you can do something, you are in charge of it.”He urged parents to spend as much time as possible outside with children while the evenings are still warm and light. “There’s a strong body of evidence that children need outdoor activities and ones that involve the natural world, and so what we are thinking here is that this is the right time of year to do that,” he said.
The article has lots of ideas on things to do to get your children outside too. For example, sensory soil testing, preparing your bulbs, seed collections, build a mini wormery and sowing salad seeds. We love these ideas especially the last one as it’s something you can do even if you have little outdoor space. Read more here: https://inews.co.uk/news/kids-activities-games-garden-outdoors-autumn-1187268
If you’re looking for similar activities to do today, we have a wonderful, free craft for you to create your own mini window-sill garden! The artwork is taken from Tender Leaf Toys Greenhouse and Garden Set. A set which is ideal for encouraging green fingers. The greenhouse comes with two seed trays, a planting bench, four pot plants and three tomato shrubs. Also included is a cold frame for nurturing seeds, a raised bed with nine vegetables, a compost bin, a lawnmower, a watering can, a topiary tree, a wheelbarrow and a deck chair for your dolls to enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Check out this set here and scroll down to the bottom of the page for your free printable mini garden instructions!

Greenhouse set Forest Floor Forest trail kit
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